A Mauritanian civil society round table discussion was held in Nouakchott on October 14-15 2012, organized by Pêchecops and the FNP, on the following topic: The proposed protocol to the EU-Mauritania fisheries agreement: towards sustainable fisheries?.
The 43 participants agreed on several recommendations, including:
– the proposed protocol must be adopted as is, without new negotiations;
– the access to octopus should be exclusively reserved for national operators, in particular artisanal;
– the local landing of all products resulting from the fishing operations in the Mauritanian EEZ should be mandatory;
– the principle of non-discrimination of treatment between all foreign fleets should be applied;
– the involvement of all the stakeholders should be guaranteed at all stages of negotiations and implementation of the protocol, in particular through the setting up of an efficient advisory council;
– transparency should be achieved concerning the conditions for access to resources by foreign companies, both in the context of the EU FPA, and in the case of others agreements signed by Mauritania; and
– priorities of the partnership should include support for the development of a local purse-seiner fleet, fishing sardinellas for local and regional human consumption; support for women in fisheries entrepreneurs; support for basic infrastructure (landing sites, etc.).
The report and recommendations are available at