Canada’s Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister Derrick Dalley says more than $2 million is being provided in this year’s provincial budget for fisheries ecosystems research and other cod recovery and fisheries science initiatives.

“Our government believes that an ongoing commitment to fisheries science and research is extremely important, Dalley said in a news release. “The provincial government will continue to make strategic investments to grow and diversify the economy. Budget 2013 maintains our commitment to the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research, in particular the ongoing work of Dr. George Rose and his team aboard the RV Celtic Explorer, and funding for other important science-related initiatives. These investments will help preserve and expand an industry that is vital to many communities throughout the province.

Glenn Blackwood, vice-president of the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, was pleased with the emphasis on fisheries science and research in the 2013 budget.

Blackwood said the province’s continued support for the advancement of the Fisheries and Marine Institute in the global oceans sector has enabled the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research to become “the largest university based at-sea fisheries ecosystems research unit in Canada.

Blackwood said the centre mentors future generations in fisheries science and plays a significant role in better understanding our changing ocean environment. “The provincial government’s support has been essential to our development, he said.

Robert Verge, managing director of the Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation, also noted the value of the provincial g financial commitment for the coming year.

“We certainly need to understand what is happening to our ecosystem and our fish resources to ensure the product we harvest and process is used for the benefit of Newfoundland and Labrador, said Verge. “We believe there is a bright future for the seafood industry and will continue working to help create that future.”

Verge said over the past 3 1/2 years, the centre has used provincial government funding to initiate or support projects valued at $24 million.

“We thank the provincial government for the additional contribution for the coming year and we will ensure it is used wisely to help build the Newfoundland and Labrador fishery, Verge added.

Since the inception of both the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research and the Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation, the province has allocated almost $15 million toward both initiatives.

More information on these and other seafood-related initiatives is available at

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