Despite scars left by Superstorm Sandy, many coastal residents are largely unprepared for this year’s hurricane season, according to a survey recently conducted by the American Red Cross and The Weather Channel.

Nearly one-third of respondents said they don’t know where they’d go during an evacuation or didn’t have an emergency kit, according to a news release. Only about half of the subjects surveyed in coastal counties said they’re prepared with an evacuation plan or a plan to communicate with family members if they’re separated during a weather event.

“Covering severe weather and seeing firsthand the devastation it can cause is a constant reminder for me of how important it is to be prepared, said Jim Cantore, meteorologist and storm tracker for The Weather Channel. “We want to save lives and the best way to do that is by keeping people informed and helping them prepare before severe weather strikes.”

On the other hand, New York and New Jersey residents said they’re more vigilant of tropical weather in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. Forty-nine percent of people surveyed from those states believe Sandy made them more urgent and thorough in their hurricane preparation this year.

In coastal counties countrywide, the survey found at least one in five households now have a family member with a health issue or disability, and of those homes, 25 percent aren’t sure they’ve planned correctly for the needs of that person in an emergency.

Of the 11 billion-dollar disasters that occurred in the United States in 2012 (according to NOAA), two occurred near the coast. Both were tropical systems — Hurricane Irene and Superstorm Sandy. Thus, the Red Cross is urging preparation in the opening weeks of the 2013 hurricane season.

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