A fishermen’s association in Sri Lanka says that the fuel subsidy granted to fishermen has been slashed by the government.

President of the All Ceylon Fishermen’s Federation, Nihal Galappatti said the fishermen were given a small fuel subsidy by the government and now even that has been slashed.

He told a news conference in Galle that about 250,000 to 300,000 fishermen depended on the fuel subsidy to engage in their livelihood.

He explained that the fishermen had won a fuel subsidy following a massive agitation campaign that even resulted in the killing of a fisherman.

“Yet, the subsidy that was given was not sufficient, but the fishermen depended even on that. However, the authorities have now slashed this subsidy and the fishermen are facing a severe crisis,” Galappatti said.

He added that the subsidy has been completely stopped since March in some areas and it is now being carried out to other areas as well.

“Fishermen can only commit suicide now since they are unable to face the crisis. They cannot do any other employment. Even when fishermen struggle in the sea and bring fish to the land they do not get a good price for their catch. The government has failed to find solutions to these issues,” Galappatti has said.

2000, 2012 by LankaPage.com (LLC)