Since the eruption of unrest in Egypt, long queues of cars outside gas stations; shortages of vital goods and materials; and dire reduction in the number of travelers have become part of Gaza’s day-to-day life.

The fuel crisis is the most crucial as it affects various aspects of life such as power cuts, public and private transportation, and even fishing boats.

For a long time, Gaza fishermen have suffered an Israeli blockade restricting fishing distance to 6 nautical miles, and now they say, they are also banned from fishing in Egypt waters.

Fuel crisis has only added salt to injury because tight security measures imposed by Egypt have made almost all boat owners unable to work.

The alternative for fishing in Gaza is fishing pools, but even this business has been badly damaged, because they also are dependent on fuel and electricity.

Gazan fishermen say they are often the victims to the surrounding politics and the y have to pay the price for any political disruption in this region.

2012 Press TV