Friday on the occasion of the visit of Haiti President Martelly, the Association of Fishermen of the Municipality of Tiburon (APCT), received a donation from the Government, of solar refrigerators, to strengthen its capacity for the conservation of fisheries products.

In Tiburon, town in the extreme south of Haiti, which has more than 20,000 inhabitants, ishing plays an important part in the economy. The APCT, established in 1996, with 50 active members and 400 other fishermen benefit from its guidance. These fishermen are engaged in fishing using Fish Aggregating Device (FAD), which allow to capture migratory species of high economic value, such as tuna and marlin.

In 10 years, thanks to the contributions of fishermen [10% of profits from sales], the APCT came to replace with its own resources, in 6 occasions, FAD swept away by storms or boats.

Moreover, to restore mangrove very useful for land protection and reproduction of shrimp and fish threatened by the manufacturers of coal, Ministry of Agriculture oversees farmers’ organizations in the region for the development of nurseries, mainly composed of mangrove trees (palétuviers).

2010 – 2013