The European Parliament (EP) gathered in plenary session in Strasbourg has given its consent to the new Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement with Kiribati.

EU Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki welcomed the vote by saying: “The agreement with Kiribati reconfirms our commitment to sustainability in our international agreements and is fully consistent with the principles of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy. The agreement ensures the EU fleet’s presence in the Pacific Ocean and enhances the EU’s position in Regional Fisheries Management Organizations such as the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, while helping to foster co-operation in the Pacific region.”

The European Commission highlighted that consistent with the EU’s policy to promote sustainability, good governance and the principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law in its Fisheries Partnership Agreements, the Protocol will help develop Kiribati’s local economy and promote the sustainable long term development of its fisheries sector. It will ensure that the local fisheries resources are exploited at a responsible and sustainable level in particular by calculating fishing opportunities for the EU fleet on the basis of scientific advice.

This new Protocol will cover a period of three years (until September 2015) and provides fishing opportunities for tuna vessels. Out of the EU annual financial contribution EUR 1,325,000, EUR 350,000 has entirely been earmarked for sectoral policy support to help the Republic of Kiribati to promote responsible and sustainable fishing in their waters.

The fishing opportunities available under the new protocol include a reference tonnage of 15,000 tonnes, which corresponds to fishing authorisation for four purse seiners and six longliners. The fishing opportunities have been calculated on the basis of the scientific recommendations.

Fishing opportunities under this Protocol will be of the use for the shipowners coming from Spain, France and Portugal.

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