The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) has just released the latest editions of two of its popular fisheries publications SAMUDRA Report, its triannual journal on fisheries, communities and livelihoods, and Yemaya, its newsletter on gender and fisheries.
SAMUDRA Report No. 66, dated December 2013, features articles from Asia, Africa, Central America and Europe, besides an analysis of the ILO Work in Fishing Convention, 2007, an account of the 7th Session of the Committee on Fisheries’ Sub-Committee on Aquaculture (COFI SCA) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and a report on celebrations of the World Fisheries Day.
Overfishing of albacore in the Indian Ocean and the need to control small tuna longline vessels is the focus of one article, while another shows how the issues of decent work, fisheries management and illegal fishing can be resolved through the ILO Work in Fishing Convention, 2007.
An article from India reveals how small-scale fishing in the reservoir of the Dimbhe dam in Maharashtra, has been a boon for displaced families. Another article on the Faroe Islands says the fishing-days system offered hope of regulating fishing effort but now seems to have come up against problems.
According to an article on Madagascar in the current issue of SAMUDRA Report, though often overlooked and undervalued, small-scale fisheries make key economic contributions and are overwhelmingly important for coastal communities.
The governance needs for Europe’s small-scale fisheries involves principles, strategies and guarding against the predations of large-scale fishing interests, argues an article on the European Union.
Another discusses the use of approved private companies for the inspection of small fishing vessels in Norway.
From Costa Rica comes an article on a recent contentious ruling by the country’s highest judicial body that shrimp trawling is unconstitutional.
SAMUDRA Report No. 66 also reports on how the World Fisheries Day, which specifically recognizes the role of small-scale, artisanal fishers and fishworkers, was celebrated in myriad ways around the world.
The latest issue also carries an obituary of S Thavaratnam, a leader of fishermen in nothern Sri Lanka.
The editorial comment in SAMUDRA Report No. 66 argues that strategies to promote aquaculture globally should shun corporate-driven agendas and focus instead on sustainability, food security and human rights.
The Roundup section of the issue carries news, fisheries statistics, notices and announcements.
SAMUDRA Report No. 66 can be accessed at
The latest edition of ICSF’s newsletter on gender and fisheries, Yemaya No. 44, dated December 2013, features reports from Brazil, Belgium, Australia and India as well as notices, interviews and profiles.
The article from Brazil discusses a meeting of the National Articulation of Fisherwomen (ANP) on work and mobilization, while the one from Europe shows how fisheries networks have played an invaluable role in making visible women’s contributions to European fisheries.
Recent research in an indigenous coastal community in Australia’s Northern Territory reveals women’s strong preference for climate change adaptation and aquaculture development, according to another article.
The article from India discusses an eye-opening visit of Mumbai’s women fishworkers to SEWA, India’s oldest and largest women’s co-operative movement.
The latest issue of Yemaya features a profile of a 52-year-old Indian woman seaweed colector, as well as an interview with a 35-year-old dry-fish worker from Kutubdia Para, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
The ever-popular cartoon series, Yemaya Mama, completes the latest edition of Yemaya.
Yemaya No. 44 can be accessed at
ICSF is an international NGO that works towards the establishment of equitable, gender-just,self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector.
For more, please visit
2013 ICSF