Three Indian fishermen, who were shot at by a US marine vessel off Dubai’s coast in July 2012, have lodged a civil lawsuit against the US Department of Defence (the Pentagon).

The three men are still under going treatment due to the injuries they sustained, meanwhile a fourth fisherman died during the incident which happened on July 16.

The trio, P.N., K.M. and M.M., and the parents of the dead fisherman, S.A., are seeking compensation and have asked the court to appoint a maritime expert to examine the case and identify the US marines’ responsibility in the incident.

The civil lawsuit was filed by advocates Ma’asoumah Al Sayegh and Uday Al Kazwini of Dar Al Balagh Advocates and Legal Consultants.

“The fishermen were on board a fishing boat sailing within the UAE maritime borders when the US marines opened fire on them. The Pentagon did not provide medical services or any compensation to the fishermen. One died and three others are still getting treatment and they have the required medical reports to prove that, Al Sayegh and Al Kazwini mentioned in the civil lawsuit.

Gulf News has learnt that after the lawyers registered the lawsuit before the Dubai Civil Court’s registrar office it was referred to the Centre for Amicable Settlements of Disputes (civil cases) at the Dubai Courts Department.

According to legal procedures, the US Consulate General in Dubai represents the Pentagon.

A legal counsellor, who chaired the Centre’s committee that looked into the lawsuit on Monday, adjourned the hearing until the Pentagon (represented by the Consulate) is legally notified about the lawsuit via publication.

“The claimants repeatedly followed up the criminal case lodged before the Dubai Police Ports Station but they were not provided with any information. Thereafter the claimants followed up on the issue with Dubai Public Prosecution in an attempt to obtain the proper documents pertaining to the litigation process… prosecutors also did not provide the claimants with any information. The fishermen lodged their civil lawsuit to preserve their right in seeking compensation before they lose the right to do so within the three-year legal time frame [since the incident happened], according to the lawsuit.

“The claimants want the expert to figure out the plaintiff’s liability and its relation to the fishermen’s damages. We also ask the court to grant permission to the expert to visit any government or non-government body to verify the legality of the case. Thereafter the claimants will base their demands upon the expert’s findings, read the lawsuit.

Al Sayegh and Al Kazwini provided the court with S.A.’s death certificate and the medical reports regarding the injuries of P.N., K.M. and M.M.

The hearing continues.

Al Nisr Publishing LLC 2014