The Ugandan authorities have released 12 fishermen arrested in Lake Victoria. The fishermen who spent a week at the Ama Police Station were released following the intervention of Kenyan security agents in Migori and Siaya Counties.

Nyanza Regional Coordinator Francis Mutie said Tuesday that the fishermen who hail from Bondo were arrested for operating with wrong fishing gear and using equipment not certified by both the Kenyan and Ugandan governments.

“These fishermen were caught using wrong gear and also harmful chemicals, said Mutie, adding that the fishermen would have faced the same punishment even in Kenya.

The fishermen were last Wednesday arrested by Ugandan police on Ama Island in Namaingo District which is close to Usenge and Bondo areas in Siaya County.

During the same raid, Mutie said some fishermen were also arrested and charged for having contravened the law guiding operations in the lake.

Mutie, who did not disclose details on the same, said the fishermen were charged in court and later released on undisclosed amount of bond. He warned that fishermen who are not cleared by Joint Border Commissions from the two governments will be arrested. He said the fishermen know very well the law and have been trained therefore they must adhere to it.

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