Three bodies recovered in the Bay of Bengal on Monday morning were not from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, said a Bangladesh Coast Guard official.

Kamrul Islam told Xinhua that the bodies were found near Subarnachar, an island off Hatia sub-district in Noakhali district in southeastern Bangladesh.

“We’ve already recovered the bodies from the Bay of Bengal,” he said. “The bodies which bore bullet injuries were of Bangladesh nationals.”

“We confirm they are not from missing Malaysian plane. Looking at the faces and clothes we’re over sure that they are all local Bangladeshi people.”

He said they have begun a massive search in the Bay of Bengal after local media reported that there were many unidentified bodies floating along the Meghna River at the mouth of the Bay of Bengal.

Another Coast Guard official said the recovered bodies may be some ill-fated fishermen as the sea area is notorious for kidnapping for ransom by armed pirates.

Officials said they would continue to search waters with hope to get the evidence of the missing plane.

Bangladesh has already joined the international efforts to search for the missing Malaysian plane, which vanished on March 8 en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur with 239 people on board.

According to officials, two frigates and two aircraft have been be deployed to search for the missing plane.

The disappearance of the Boeing 777-200ER remains a “mystery” as there is still no trace of the aircraft.

People’s Daily Online