Sri Lanka aims to increase fisheries export revenue up to Rs. 50, 000 Million this year, Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Dr. Rajitha Senaratne said.

The Minister said Sri Lanka has received revenue of Rs. 31,792 Million through fisheries exports last year.

The Minister added that fisheries exports have increased a record 21 per cent. According to Minister Senaratne, there has been a gradual decrease of fisheries imports. “While Sri Lanka imported Metric ton 80,000 of fisheries products in the year 2010, we were able to decrease the numbers by 13 percent in the year 2012, Minister Senaratne said.

The Minister put down the decrease of imports down to the development of self employment in the fisheries sector through the Divineguma program implemented by the Government.

Currently Sri Lanka exports fish, crabs, prawns, and ornamental fish as well as fish food and other products.

2011 Rivira Media Corporation Ltd.