Between January and February 2014 Chile exported fishmeal and fish oil for USD 66.3 million and the FOB price of fishmeal sales was down by 21.8 per cent compared to the same period in 2013, according to the Institute of Fisheries Development (IFOP).

According to Export Fishery Bulletin prepared by the IFOP, the total volume of the different types of fishmeal exports in February reached 14,636 tonnes.

From all that fishmeal sold abroad, 7.4 per cent came from pelagic fish, 22.5 per cent of unspecified fish and 16.1 per cent of salmon.

Between January and February, the north area contributed with USD 33.6 million while the south central area did it with USD 19.8 million.

Meanwhile, in the first two months of 2014 a total of 36.977 tonnes of fishmeal was exported.

Out of that total, 24,339 tonnes (65.8 per cent) came from the north zone (regions of Arica and Parinacota, Tarapacá and Coquimbo).

While 12,385 tonnes (33.5 per cent) originated in the south central area (Metropolitan, Valparaiso and Bio Bio regions).

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