What’s New, Webby?

Gendered Seas

By Ramya Rajagopalan (ramya.rajagopalan@gmail.com), Programme Associate, ICSF

As part of the European project Oceans Past Platform, a new working group on gender and fisheries history named Gendered Seas has been established. The Oceans Past Platform was set up to measure and understand the significance and value to European societies of living marine resource extraction and production to help shape the future of coasts and oceans.

Gendered Seas aims to explore the different roles and responsibilities of women and men in the exploitation and management of living marine resources over time. Claiming that most research in fisheries history has “turned a blind eye on women, the working group has set itself the task of filling a major gap in the understanding of fisheries systems and their development.

An introductory video on Gendered Seas may be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajIWZPkcX58