Schoeffel P. 1995. Women in Fisheries in the Pacific Islands: A Retrospective Analysis. Fishing for Answers: Women and Fisheries in the Pacific Islands, edited by Elizabeth Matthews for the Women and Fisheries Network, Oceania Printers Ltd, Suva, Fiji. 7-28pp.
Schoeffel P. 1995. Women in Fisheries in the Pacific Islands: A Retrospective Analysis. Fishing for Answers: Women and Fisheries in the Pacific Islands, edited by Elizabeth Matthews for the Women and Fisheries Network, Oceania Printers Ltd, Suva, Fiji. 7-28pp.
Women’s fishing is associated with subsistence, domestic production, and small-scale produce marketing. Overview of the obstacles and the role of women in commercial fishery, aquaculture and conservation, and recommendations on how to help women.
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