This report focuses specifically on the likely impact of climate change on the trade and competitiveness of the fisheries sector in small developing Commonwealth States and thus
contributes to bringing the fisheries sector into a more central role in policy discussion on climate change. An assessment of the climatic change implications on the trade and competitiveness of the fisheries requires consideration first of the climatic-fisheries impact pathways i.e. physical and chemical changes in oceans, lakes and rivers resulting from climate change, then of how such changes are likely to effect fish and ecosystems, and finally how these changes will impact on the trade and competitiveness of the fisheries sector
particularly fishers/fish farmers, communities and national economies. A better understanding of these impact pathways can be used to inform policy recommendations on enhancing fisheries-specific trade and climate change mitigation measures, and to highlight appropriate adaptation initiatives in the fisheries sector. Both adaptation and mitigation in the fisheries sector are likely to be critical for small developing Commonwealth States in maintaining or increasing trade competitiveness, and in realising the opportunities emanating from globalisation.