Conference Name:Regional Technical Seminar: Joining forces in the fisheries sector; Promoting safety, decent work and the fight against IUU fishing, 21-22 March 2018, Manila, The Philippines

Date: 21-03-2018

Abstract: Among all activities dependent on the oceans for a livelihood, small-scale fisheries is the most important—much more than tourism, shipping, oil and gas, and mining

15% of people in capture fishing and 90% in fish processing activities are women (SOFIA 2016)

37.9 million marine and inland fishers in 2014 (after peaking at 39.4 million in 2012)—of which 30 million fishers are in Asia (nearly 80%)

19 million fishers work on board fishing vessels (50%)

Overall employment in the sector decreased

The slight decrease in employment appears to signal a stabilization in engagement in the sector (SOFIA 2016)…