Conference Name:INFOFISH Governing Council, Thirty-third Session, 17 December 2018, Langkawi, Malaysia

Date: 17-12-2018

Abstract: Thank you for inviting ICSF to attend the 33rd Session of the INFOFISH Governing Council Meeting. This is for the first time that we are invited to participate in one of your Governing Council meetings and we are grateful for this invitation. ICSF is an international NGO in status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations, ILO and FAO. ICSF works towards sustainable and gender-just small-scale fisheries and decent work, worldwide. ICSF actively engaged with the negotiations leading to the adoption of the UN Fish Stocks Agreement and the CCRF in 1995 and the Work in Fishing Convention in 2007 (No. 188). ICSF works towards promoting the ratification of the Work in Fishing Convention across the world…