The present study is a continuation of a research begun in 1996 in the Kwirikwidge area in Mozambique and its main objective is to evaluate the present stage of the implementation and the expectations of the co-management of fishing resources in that area. The study was carried out using two types of sources: written and oral. The written sources included various documents considered important for the theoretical background of the study. These included sectorial reports, fishing legislation, Maritime Fishing Regulation, master Plan, various monographies about Angoche district. The consultations were carried out in Maputo and Angoche. The oral souces consisted of semi-structured surveys (attached) which involved interviewing fishermen, Maritime Administration Officers and other authorities including some local Non-governmental Organizations. The results of the research demonstrated that the situation in Kwirikwidge is very encouraging, and can even be said that it exceeded the expectations. However, despite the encouraging scenario, the (still) non legal or official recognition of the established co-management community committees and the (still) non understanding of the concept, objectives and advantages of the co-management system on the part of some of the sector’s relevant institution, hampers the desirable development of the a solid structure in the country as a whole and, in particular, in the area under study.