In 2009, Unnayan Onneshan has worked on issues related to climate change, agriculture, food security, agrarian transition, budget analysis, and biodiversity in the Sundarbans, environmental displacement etc. The Ecology, Environment and Emergencies Unit has compiled two reports, which deal with the customary use of the Sundarbans’ biological resources and its related traditional cultural practices along with a policy paper on climate change. The study on Climate change and flow of environmental displacement in Bangladesh depicts environmental displacement with the premise of increased frequency of natural disasters and the adverse impacts of climate change. The project Community Based Management of the Sundarbans (CBMS) has been
running since 2005 to date funded by Forest People Programme (FPP), UK is being implemented in two upazilas of Khulna districts of Bangladesh by Unnayan
Onneshan. The CBMS project is a research based action project aimed to advocate for a new approach to managing the Sundarbans, based on the customary sustainable practices and rules of the traditional resource users and their full and effective participation in decision-making and management of this important wetland.