The Sundarbans is the ultimate land of the tiger, a swamp forest so dense and well protected by nature that even centuries of determined effort by humans has failed to destroy it. Was the Sundarbans named after the Sundari tree, or is it the literal Bengali translation for beautiful forest? Can some fish here really climb trees? Is the reputation of the Sundarbans’ tiger as a man-eater justified? Scholars will debate its origins, poets will sing its praises and naturalists will document its diversity. Meanwhile, another set of humans are concerning themselves with the future of the Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove forest. Will the mangroves and the animals that live here be able to survive the impact of global warming and climate change? Will poaching drive the tiger to extinction? Can something be done to save the Sundarbans? This volume is a photographic tribute to the wildlife haven and to the green warriors on both sides of the international border between India and Bangladesh, who live to protect raw nature. Apart from essays about various topics related to the Sunderbans, it also contains a detailed checklist of the flora and fauna of the region.