Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification is a market-based incentive program recognizing well-managed fisheries. Currently, four Argentine fisheries are involved in the MSC program. Using in-depth, semi-structured interviews with fishery stakeholders, the study surveys their perceptions regarding MSC certification. MSC certification is positively perceived because stakeholders focus on knowledge of the process. Most respondents consider certification as encouraging effective fishery stakeholders’ participation: access to information, increased communication, and reaching consensus. Market/political/social realities will prove whether a more intense participation of Argentine fisheries in the certification initiative is useful. Because some markets in the EU and USA are demanding MSC certified products, there is a need to work towards a governance structure that helps link certification with policy market outcomes to ensure exportation of Argentine fish. MSC certification may suggest improved management of participatory bottom-up planning. This bottom-up approach provides an opportunity to establish feedback mechanisms and organizational changes.