The fisheries sector has long been considered a male domain, signifying a sense of adventure and risk valued by men but from which women are often excluded. However,
women’s engagement in small-scale capture fisheries related activities, including pre- and post-harvesting work, is estimated at 46% in nine major fish producing countries. Gender disparities in fisheries can result in lower labor productivity within the sector and inefficient allocation of labor at household and national levels. Addressing gender inequities by improving women’s incomes and educational levels, as well as their access
to information and decision making processes, improves human capabilities of the household, as well as society in general. At the WorldFish Center, research on gender and fisheries currently focuses on: 1. Markets, trade and migration, 2. Capabilities and well-being, 3. Identities and networks, 4. Governance and rights, and 5. Climate change, disasters and resilience