The main purpose of the workshop was to create a platform for sharing knowledge on the theme of gender and fisheries, and to identify the tools to be used by project staff to best integrate gender needs into SSF projects. The objectives of the workshop were to:
Identify lessons learned and factors contributing to the success and failures of applying a gender perspective in SSF development projects and explore the reasons why efforts to date have or have not contributed in achieving gender equality; Discuss the different gender analytic tools used in the fisheries sector and determine the best practices that can be applied at field level; Contribute to the regional sharing of knowledge on the theme of gender and fisheries. The outputs of the workshop were: A set of “best tools” and “best practices” for gender mainstreaming in the fisheries sector at field level. Provide policy recommendations to be brought to the attention of FAO Fisheries and
Aquaculture Department, the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) and Regional Fisheries bodies such as the Asia Pacific Fisheries Commission (APFIC), as well as the Gender Networks in Fisheries.