One of the two major outputs of the BOBLME Project is to produce an agreed Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) that identifies and prioritizes the major transboundary environmental concerns in the Bay of Bengal. This is a perquisite to the other major output expected from the Project, the Strategic Action Programme (SAP), which will address and remediate these concerns and will also ensure the long-term institutional and financial sustainability of the BOBLME Programme. During previous consultations on the TDA, it was suggested that the additional issue of migratory and transboundary fishing should be analysed and considered to be incorporated into the TDA and SAP. This scoping study and report is intended to provide information for future steps to be taken. The scoping study relates to the assessment of the issue of migratory and transboundary fishing as highlighted above. It will explore the background to the issues and provide specific insight into both (i) working conditions (including reference to safety at sea, as appropriate) on fishing vessels operating outside of national waters, and (ii) issues pertaining to rights of fishing labour and extent of use of legal and illegal foreign labour. The study will cover issues concerning both nationals from the vessel port country and those concerning foreign workers from neighbouring countries. The scoping study will further (iii) cover boats and crews arrested for fishing in traditional fishing grounds that are now part of another country’s EEZ as a result of UNCLOS (either as deliberate acts or due to “straying” across boundaries).