The successes of the Amal-Crab Bay initiative in conserving marine resources in their tabu area, located on the eastern coastline of the island of Malekula, Vanuatu, has been underpinned by the use of a traditional resource management system and innovative awareness-raising efforts. The bay forms part of the Port Stanley mangrove area, and is home to extensive fringing reefs, sea grass beds, and a high abundance of crabs. This resource is critical for local livelihoods and food security, and has been the focus of sustainable harvesting regulations since 2002, when community chiefs instituted a ban on harvesting within the mangrove forests.
These community-led efforts have been strengthened with support from an array of international partners; as a result, the initiative has overseen an increase in marine and coastal resources, compiled an evidence base for the bay’s mangrove ecosystem, and developed local ecotourism infrastructure.