ICSF-FSSF Sri Lanka Workshop ‘Strengthening Collaboration and Capacity-Building in Small-Scale Fisheries’ 24-26 February 2025

ICSF is committed to promoting and defending equitable, gender-just, self-reliant, and sustainable small-scale fisheries around the world. We believe in strengthening fishing communities and SSF organizations, protecting their local and ecological knowledge, enhancing their social development, and sustainable fisheries, based on a human rights-based approach embedded in the principles of the SSF Guidelines. ICSF prioritizes working in a spirit of diverse dialogue and cooperation, to influence the decision-making processes of multilateral bodies, governments and organizations in favour of small-scale fishing communities, particularly in order to cope with the multiplicity of accumulated and new threats. Based on the experiences of its members and allied SSF organizations, ICSF focuses its work around four key themes: tenure rights, access and use; food security and nutrition; marginalization within the blue economy; environmental crises and climate change; and social protection and social development.

Building upon the four IYAFA regional workshops ICSF hosted in 2022 and 2023 in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and Europe, and the two SSF Summits held in 2022 and 2024 in Rome; ICSF is pleased to be organizing a strategic international SSF workshop in Sri Lanka from 24 to 26 February 2025.


  • Strengthening collaborations and alliances between ICSF and its SSF allies, and enhancing its capacities as a support
  • Creating a space for global and regional SSF movements and organizations, to embrace and be strengthened by our diversity, and collectively move toward a common goal.
  • Reflecting on ICSF’s strategy and programme of action, and gathering inputs from SSF representatives on how the ICSF programme can best meet their needs and respond to their requests for capacity-building at global and regional levels (including in relation to key international spaces and processes).


The workshop will include 50 participants from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and North America – including ICSF members, representatives from global and regional SSF organizations, participants from the IYAFA regional workshops, and allied support organizations.

For more infomation, please visit: https://icsf.net/resources/icsfs-international-workshop-on-small-scale-fisheries-sri-lanka/