his year’s conference focuses on the balance between tensions, trade-offs, and the potential transformations required for the future of sustainable marine resource management and governance, thriving coastal livelihoods and healthy, biodiverse oceans. The conference takes place right in the middle of the Ocean decade (2020-2030) and MARE seizes the opportunity to reflect on where we currently stand using the ‘People and the Sea’ lens. Climate change and the increase(d) (of) activities are profoundly shaping the health and functioning of our seas and oceans and thus of our global wellbeing. Although our current understanding of the marine social-ecological system and the impacts of human uses grows, available space(s) decline(s), urging policy makers to make necessary trade-offs. Also, insights, access, impacts and capabilities are unevenly distributed resulting in tensions across social, economic, and political dimensions. All of this asks for transformation, yet the kind of transformation is debated because we can’t agree on ‘the ocean we want’.

MARE invites participants to contribute to the four sub-themes of this conference mentioned below. The bullets below the sub themes serve as inspiration for contributors. With all contributions related to these themes we can take stock of the current social scientific understanding of where we stand. These contributions can be about a range of sectors including fisheries (small-scale fisheries, aquaculture, etc), nature-protection and restoration/conservation, tourism, shipping, energy production or other human activities at sea, and cover themes such as governance, required knowledge(s), power and politics, livelihoods and culture, and values and norms. Inter- and transdisciplinary contributions are more than welcome. During the conference, building on all contributions we will reflect on what social scientific knowledge is needed for the second part of the UN Ocean Decade and beyond. As such MARE wishes to co-construct the ‘science we need for the ocean we want’..

For more information, please visit: https://marecentre.nl/call-for-papers/