Marine fisheries is an important sector in India supporting the livelihood of a large population of marine fisherfolks in different ways. It is important to have updated information on various aspects of the marine fisheries sector, including socioeconomic status of marine fisherfolks and infrastructure existing in marine fishing villages. In addition to information on quantity of fish harvested every year the planners and researchers are interested to know details of fishing crafts and fishing gears in the fishery, number of fishing villages and landing centers, fishermen population, their educational and occupational status etc., for policy development and formulation of development plans for the marine fisheries sector. These information are periodically collected through census and will be useful also for examining the impact of already implemented development programmes. For the marine fish landings data collection system of ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR-CMFRI), the information generated through census forms the basic sampling frame for the sample survey regularly carried out by the Institute.

Marine Fisheries Census 2016