Amid concern that invasive species can harm marine ecology in the Andaman and Nicobar islands, the union territory administration today warned against importing live fish without clearance. “It has come to notice that some persons or traders are transporting live fish seed to the islands from mainland through ship-air route,” a statement from the fisheries department said. It cited provisions of the A & N Marine Fishing Rule-2004, which bars import of any species of fish (live) freshwater or marine including its juveniles or seedlings whether indigenous or exotic to the islands. “It is therefore to inform all concerned not to import any species of live fish of freshwater or marine including its juveniles or seedlings to the islands from the mainland without proper clearance from the competent authority,” the statement said. According to rules, such import can however only be allowed for research or scientific purpose. Ecologists have been raising voice against import of species from mainland, some of which can become invasive in the future and harm marine ecological balance.

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