In a glaring example of reversal from the earlier decision of the Administration not to entertain induction of more trawlers, the zonal fisheries office, South Andaman , has decided to accord registration and grant fishing license to a trawler brought to Port Blair during Feb 2016 unfairly from Ramnathpuram (TN) ignoring the directives of authorized officer of Fisheries department and avoiding Coast Guard surveillance. Considering heaps of violations committed by the present fleet of trawlers, the higher ups of the A&N Administration and experts made up their mind to stop addition of trawlers through amendments in the rules so as not to entertain any new trawlers in A&N Islands. It is understood that during a calendar year on an average Coast Guard reports about two dozen violations by present fleet of trawlers. Besides, the Department of Forest and Environment, Tourism and Police have also reported many irregularities by trawlers. About an year ago, at Rangat, a trawler’s poaching activity had compelled police to take action. Trawling is one of the commercial fishing methods where sea floor is swept by huge bag shaped net using powerful fishing boats. Trawlers could fish in an area which have got huge trawl able grounds adjacent to land as in mainland India. The A&N Islands, on the other hand, lack trawlable grounds. Sea floor in Andaman plateau are comparatively miniature that too have coral outcrops. These support the tourism industry through scuba diving, snorkeling etc and export fish industry acting as nurseries for exportable varieties of fishes. Fisheries Survey of India realized this natural limitation of Andaman years ago stopping prime trawl survey and deployed long liners’ for long line fishing in Andamans which undoubtedly is the most appropriate method for exploiting fish resources around A&N Islands. Matching the natural feature, about 20 large fishing vessels and about a thousand fishing boats are engaged in long line fishing, gill fishing etc in and around South Andaman district. On the contrary, trawlers are counted few since the area is not conducive for trawling. These trawlers keep violating the rules entering the near shore areas where they are not permitted to fish. One could visualize the consequences of allowing more trawlers in Andamans. The A&N Administration acted smartly and wisely to say no’ to additional trawlers pending amendments in rules. This executive decision was conveyed to MM Vessel Owners Association. Convinced of the argument, the Association showed its willingness to abide by the decision and dropped the plan of bringing in more trawlers. Similarly, the owner of the recently brought in trawler was also denied entry. However, he was advised to disarm his trawler and was permitted to bring in other type of fishing vessel. He overlooked the advice and with the support of the Directorate of Fisheries brought a trawler and forcibly berthed it at Junglighat Fish Landing Centre. Now instead of initiating action against the defaulter, he is being entertained by the department, allege the ssources. Trawling as on date is globally considered to be one of the most destructive fishing method and is banned in all the tropical island nations. There is no trawler operation in Lakshadweep. We shall not allow more trawlers to destroy our marine environment and work out a plan to phase out the existing ones, opine experts. However, putting all doubts and apprehensions to rest, the Secretary (Fisheries), Mrs. Menaka said that no new trawlers would be permitted till new tawling grounds are identified in consultation with the concerned agencies. I am not aware of the earlier decision but now a decision has been taken at the level of the Chief Secretary that new trawling grounds would be identified in association with FSI, CARI and other national institutions that are operating here and only after such a decision is taken new trawlers would be allowed to be brought in. A press note in this regard advising people not to bring in new trawlers would be issued shortly. A decision in this regard has been taken at the level of the Chief Secretary and will be communicated to all concerned, clarified Mrs. Menaka.
Echo of India