Vasupalli Aksha is eking out a livelihood by sourcing traditional brooms from nearby villages and selling them in the retail market. Though she does not have any support system to depend on, being a self-help group member came in handy for her. A resident of Thikkavanipalem, adjacent to NH-16, she says she has donned the role of a broom-seller to meet her mounting medical expenses. Similarly, for Kanaka, the strong network of self-help group made her self-reliant. “From bank to business transactions, I can now handle things independently and save for the rainy day as well, says the fish vendor. Most women in the neighbourhood say being a self help group member helped them improve business networking and share ideas on micro financing and viable ventures that can be considered. With fish vendors forming major part of the colony population, the homemakers devise ways to earn a few extra bucks to make both ends meet. Though the colony vendors head to fish markets in the city, a few sellers convert the street corners into a marketing spot. Here, Venkateswara Swamy temple and Sri Annapurna Visweswara temple are located close to each other. Chief priest of the Visweswara temple Dontukurti Satya Gangadara Deekshitulu says special pujas are performed on Mahasivaratri on the temple premises from 2 a.m. to 2 p.m. According to Durga Prasad, businessman residing in the colony, two-wheeler theft has emerged as the most common crime in the neighbourhood. The cramped lanes need a revamp. Though sanitation workers pay regular visits, the drains that run along both sides of the roads continue to remain clogged and mounds of litter continue to pile on the streets. Zone IV Commissioner: S. Ramana Murthy; Helpdesk No: 0891-2711480; Mobile No: 9705086888.

2017, The Hindu.