The Angolan Government, through the Ministry of Fisheries, signed on Wednesday with the Kingdom of Norway in Luanda, an agreement on institutional cooperation for the next three years in the field of fisheries.

According to the Norwegian ambassador to Angola, Ingrid Ofstad, in her speech, this cooperation comes in addition to the cooperation with the FAO, where the Norwegian research vessel Dr. Fridtjof Nansen is used to investigate the marine resources and environmental parameters seaward of coasts of western and southern Africa.

“Norway and Angola are fortunate nations for the abundance of natural resources such as fish and oil, I am happy that the experience of Norway in managing these resources for the benefit of the population and of future generations may be considered relevant for Angola”, said the Ambassador of Norway to Angola.

She stressed that Norway is a very important fishing nation with responsibility for large areas of the ocean and important sources of fishery resources and its control is directed to the entire chain of the sector.

“It is a process that starts from the moment the fish is caught at sea, to its storage and sale, including their export”, said the diplomat.

The objective of the management of marine resources in Norway is developing a healthy fisheries policy with objectives of long-term, profitability and sustainable exploitation of marine resources.

She said that her country has 15 projects of bilateral cooperation in the fisheries sector in Latin America, Asia and Africa, of which Angola is one of the cooperation partners.

The diplomat emphasized that the main objective of cooperation with Angola is contributing to a viable fishing industry based on sustainable management practices of fish and its secondary objective is to strengthen the administrative, technical and management capacities in priority areas.

This cooperation will include improvement of the information system of fisheries in Angola, increasing the capacity to transform research recommendations on management measures, to increase the competence of inspectors, observers and instructors of fisheries.

Increasingly improve regional cooperation to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, supporting the technical improvement in the evaluation of fishery resources and support students in masters and doctor degrees are also part of the objectives of the cooperation.

2014 Angola Press Agency