Two vehicles, two printers, 10 computers and two television set were handed over on Wednesday to Angola’s Ministry of Fisheries by the Republic of South Korea, so as to resolve some difficulties faced by the sector.

The assets were handed over by the South Korean ambassador to Angola, Han Gu Oh, on behalf of his country’s Minister of Food, Agriculture and Forest Resources.

During the reception act, the Angolan Minister of Fisheries, Victória Barros, said that these goods will contribute to resolve some difficulties faced by her institution in terms of equipment and material.

She also reiterated the interest to strengthen the relations with South Korea, having into the advance that this Asian country has achieved in aquiculture field.

According to her, it is intended to develop a sustainable aquiculture and Angola counts on the Korean support.

On his turn, the ambassador Han Gu On said that he expects this gesture may help to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries.

2013 Angola Press Agency