Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) hatcheries were distributed to three progressive fish farmers of Midpu (Doimukh), Balijan and Sonajuli to produce quality seeds to meet the demands. Doimukh ZPM Tana Yayo handed over the hatcheries to Tana Akin Tara of Midpu, Doimukh, Nabam Yabang Boria of Balijan and Tana Nikam Tara of Sonajuli, Balijan in a small function at Doimukh on Saturday. The hatchery was provided by CIFA, Bhubaneswar, Orissa under NEH Sub-tribe plan. After giving away hatcheries, ZPM Yayo also attended the River Ranching programme at Midpu organised by Fisheries department where she briefly spoke on the need to save nature. She appealed to the people to extend help to Fisheries Department in its endeavour to save fish species and prevent mass killing of baby fishes in the rivers and rivulets of the area. River Ranching programme was conducted at Poma and Beysernallo under Sangdupota circle on July 22 to enhance fish population in the natural water bodies and conservation of endangered fish species. In total, 20,000 fingerlings of labeo calbasul gonius spp were released. ZPM Gollo Takam of Upper Balijan empathetically appealed to the people to come forward in preserving the local fishes species available in the rivers of the area and also advised the PRI, GB and the students to participate in the conservation of the ecology. The programme was attended by DFDO Tania Nabam, PRIs leaders local Public ,fisheries departmental staffs and students of the area.

2008 The Arunachal Times Publications Pvt. Ltd.