A workshop on the theme ‘Fish Feed Formulation, Preparation and its Importance in Northeast India’ was organised recently by the National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) in collaboration with ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA) and ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI) at ICAR-CIFRI, Regional Centre here, stated a press release today. Altogether 35 entrepreneurs from the North East took part in the programme. The workshop was inaugurated by Fisheries Minister Parimal Suklabaidya, who was also the chief guest of the function. In his inaugural address, he emphasised the need for systematic and scientific fish farming to ensure a good source of livelihood for fish farmers’ families. He laid stress on supplement feed in the fish farming system for better return. Dr Sanjay Sarma, Officer in Charge, NFDB Regional Centre, Guwahati gave the welcome address. SK Das, State Director of Fisheries, who was present in the inaugural session as a special guest, highlighted the need for setting up a fish feed industry in the region to promote growth of the fishery sector in the State and the country as a whole. Dr KN Mahanta, Principal Scientist and Head, Nutrition Department, ICAR-CIFA, highlighted the production potential of aquaculture in India and importance of use of fish feed in aquaculture. He talked in detail about the use of locally available alternative protein sources for minimising fish feed cost. He encouraged the participants to resort to better fish feeding techniques for increasing fish production. Other resource persons, including Dr KC Das, Dr SC Rath, Dr BK Bhattacharjya and Dr Dandadhar Sarma, also highlighted different aspects of fish feed production and management specially suitable for the north-eastern region. At the plenary session, apart from the resource persons, Dr Dilip Kumar, ex-vice chancellor of CIFE, Mumbai and Dr RS Biradar, ex-joint director, CIFE, Mumbai also interacted with the participants. They were of the opinion that the four points needed to be remembered for fish feed industry in the region were, awareness about use of fish feed, farm-made feed concept for small and marginal farmers, assessment of feed demand and supply and commercial feed production.