The Australian Border Force has destroyed an Indonesian fishing boat after finding hundreds of illegally-obtained shark fins on board off the remote Northern Territory.
On February 11, the Australian authorities spotted and intercepted the Indonesian vessel fishing illegally near Croker Island, a sparsely-inhabited Aboriginal territory off the Cobourg Peninsula. Illegal fishing is a major issue in the Arafura Sea, and the ABF has allocated significant new resources to interdict and discourage Indonesian fishermen in Australia’s northernmost waters.
Aboard the vessel, the authorities found 339 shark fins, fishing equipment, and 200 kilos of salt for preserving illegal catch. Not present were the remaining portions of the sharks, indicative of a finning operation.
All seven fishermen aboard the vessel were arrested, and their vessel was seized and destroyed. The suspects were brought ashore in Darwin to face charges under the Fisheries Management Act, and all pleaded guilty on March 4.
The fishermen were released on an AU$1,000 undertaking to be on good behavior for at least five years. One suspect had an outstanding warrant for a prior offense, and he was sentenced to a month in prison.
“This illegal activity will not be tolerated in our waters. We will intercept you, you will lose your catch, your equipment and possibly even your vessel,” said ABF Operation Lunar Commander Tracie Griffin.
The case brings the number of Indonesian fishermen prosecuted at Darwin to a total of 132 suspects in eight months. The ABF has also destroyed several other vessels, including two that were burned at sea last month.