Burma News International on Friday reported that as many as 74 Bangladeshi fishermen have remained detained in Myanmar for the past six months. According to fisherman Nurul Islam of Teknaf, the fishermen in three trawlers drifted into Myanmar waters in the Bay of Bengal due to heavy winds on 6 November 2016, read the report appeared in the newspaper website Bnionline.net. “They were stopped by the Myanmar Navy, Nurul Islam said. “Family members have been trying to secure their release ever since, but have not succeeded, he added. “Osman Goni, a fishing boat owner, said concerned relatives and friends complained to the authorities on 30 November 2016. He said he has been told that Bangladeshi officials approached their Myanmar counterparts about the 74 detained men, but their release has still not been secured, said the report. It said family of the missing men urged Myanmar to release them as soon as possible, according to a statement.