The first tropical cyclone of the season is headed towards the coast on Monday, as a deep depression has already formed in the Bay of Bengal, according to the met office. Bangladesh Meteorological Department said the depression which formed on Sunday morning at the central bay, turned into deep depression by the evening, and is likely to turn into a cyclone and hit the coast on Monday. Meteorologist Aftab Uddin, told the Dhaka Tribune: “The probable cyclone might hit the Chittagong coast by Tuesday noon . As of Sunday evening, the deep depression was over the East Central bay and about 770 kilometers from the Chittagong port, 690 kilometers from the Cox’s Bazar port, 790 kilometers from Mongla port and 735 kilometers from Payra port. “The met office has already issued the distant cautionary signal one for all four ports-Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Mongla and Payra. “The cyclone will most likely be named after the Thai word, Mora, Meteorologist Aftab added. The Bay of Bengal has two two cyclone seasons, one from April-May and the other is from October-November. The maximum sustained wind speed within 48 kilometers of the deep depression center is about 50-60 kilometers per hour. The met office has advised fishing boats and trawlers to not be out at sea till further notice.