The Padma Bridge has ensured rapid transportation of fishes from the south-western districts of Khulna Division. Over 140 metric tons of fishes are being transported to different districts of the country within a shortest possible time through the Padma Bridge every day.

In 2022-23 fiscal year, a total of 7.56 lakh metric tons of fishes have been produced in this division whereas 7.31 lakh metric tons of fishes were produced in the fiscal year 2021-22, said Raj Kumar Biswas, Assistant Director (AD)of the Directorate of Fisheries of Khulna division told BSS on Tuesday. In 10 districts of Khulna division, white fish has been produced 6.20 lakh metric tons, shrimp 1.15 lakh metric tons, crab 10,000 metric tons and other fishes 11,000 metric tons, he said.

In the division, white fishes are producing in 2.43 lakh ponds, lobster shrimp (Galda) in 1.10 lakh enclosures (ghers), tiger (Bagda) shrimps in 1.12 lakh enclosures and mixed fishes are in 1.2 lakh enclosures, according to the divisional fisheries office. The government has been working to improve the livelihoods of fishermen, the fisheries department AD said adding that the fishermen are being trained to increase the production of the fish.

“Due to the benefits of Padma Bridge, young people are being inspired to make fish enclosures in the south-western districts of Khulna division. Khulna is now in the leading position in fish production,” he said. Talking to BSS, Abdul Baki, vice-President of Frozen Foods Exporters Association said Padma Bridge opens a new era for fish traders, fish farmers, importers and exporters.

“There is no scope of fish rotten during the transportation after inauguration of the Padma Bridge,” he said. Fish production including shrimp has been increasing day by day due to the benefit of rapid transportation through the Padma Bridge, he added.

He, however, said, the fishermen and fish traders are now interested in farming white leg ‘vannamei’ shrimp as it grows rapidly and farmers-traders are getting more profit now.

He also urged to the government to take proper steps to set up hatchery of ‘vannamie’ shrimp fry to ensure huge production of the shrimp variety. Mahtab Uddin, a gher owner of Dumuria upazila told BSS that earlier we could not make marginal profit due to the delay of transportation through ferries and a major percentage of white fish and shrimp were rotten on the way, but it does not happen after inauguration of the Padma Bridge.