T he 64 Itsekiri communities in Warri South West and Warri North local government areas of Delta State in Nigeria affected by the devastating oil spillage at Bonga Field are calling for a meeting with the management of Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) today, to discuss modalities on enumeration, clean-up and how relief materials would be sent to the victims.

The affected communities includes Ilesami 1 and II, Otumara, Aje-Edede, Akpakpa-Eyitsede, Ajokorugbo, Oguwan, Egbe-Okuta, Ugogoro-Ogidigben, Ajudaibo, Okegbe, Oboro, Madangho, Ogheye-Uton, Ogheye-Idimigun Ajokoro, Ajibeku, Ajimaki, Ubala-tie, Orere, amongst others.
In a letter to the Managing Directors, SPDC and SNEPCO, on behalf of the affected communities by Gbutse Property Limited, signed by the Secretary/Legal Adviser, Barrister Stella Ozoma, it alleged that the Bonga Field oil spill has disturbed economic activities of its clients.

“Our clients asked us to inform you that your oil spill at bonga field that occurred on December 20, 2011 flowed to their village fishing areas and thereafter disturbed their fishing activities, stained their fishing materials, vegetations, killed aquatic lives. Some of the oil spill which your people dispersed with chemicals caused turbidity within our clients fishing areas and also formed tire balls which were taken to our client’s shores by sea currents, the letter said.

The statement added that the affected communities earlier thought that the oil spillage was from Chevron facility, but that further investigation confirmed that the oil spillage was from SPDC bonga oil field facility and the spilled oil may be over 40,000 barrels.

“Consequently, we and our clients are proposing to meet with you on the January 9, 2012 at 9.30am in your office. The purpose of the meeting is to among other things agree on a date and time, when your team and ours will jointly enumerate the damage or injury caused to our clients’ trees, land, fishing materials and disturbance of fishing activities as a result of the effects of your said oil spillage at bonga field, the statement added.
The letter was copied the Senate Committee on Environment, Delta State House of Assembly Committee on Environment, Federal Ministry of Environment, Delta State Ministry of Environment, National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency, Department of Petroleum Resources, oil Spill, Response and Claims and Legal Departments of SPDC.

In an interview with Mr. Fredrick Asin, the Youth President of Ugbege Community, who spoke on behalf Ugborodo and Coastal Communities in Warri South West and North Local Government Areas, he said his people were suffering as a result of the negative impact of the oil spillage, adding that they would explore every avenue of dialogue for which Itsekiri Nation is known for.

Mr. Asin said, “If they refuse to heed to this call for peaceful dialogue, we will carry out enumeration and assessment of damage and thereafter demand for compensation. And let me put also that after all avenue for dialogue expires without fruitful result, disturbances will be inevitable.