Cakaudrove Provincial Council members have been advised to oppose the proposed Aquaculture Decree.

Speaking at the council meeting on the island of Taveuni, former council chairman Emitai Boladuadua described the decree as dangerous and misleading to iTaukei resource owners.

Members of the council had been earlier told by North Fisheries Officer Joji Vakawaletabua, the proposed decree entailed the leasing of fishing grounds for 15 to 35 years of commercial exploitation.

Mr Vakawaletabua said many Asian countries would be interested in the opportunity provided through the proposed decree.

“The decree is still being developed and soon consultation will begin around the country,” he said.

“Members of the public can share their thoughts on the new decree once the consultation processes begin.”

Mr Vakawaletabua also told council members that they needed to consider the impact it would have on their marine resources.

Meanwhile, Mr Boladuadua advised council representatives to think twice before acceding to the decree once it was promulgated.

“This decree will affect your marine resources and those of your future generations.

“The commercial exploitation our fishing grounds will only destroy our marine resources which is a staple part of our diet.

“Think of your future generations who would also want to taste and sample the beautiful delicacies that our seas yield.”

2014, Fiji Times Limited