Chile’s Chamber of Deputies approved by a large majority –83 votes in favour, one against and one abstention– the draft on Land Use Standards for Aquaculture and Health, which is part of the General Law of Fisheries and Aquaculture.
This bill aims to ensure the sustainability of aquaculture in the southern regions of the country and to provide patent facilities for small and medium farmers.
In addition, the initiative closes the access to new concessions in the Aysen region until 2015, in order to have enough time to complete the process of land use started in 2010.
It also limits the preference for coho salmon and rainbow trout to the applications submitted up to 8 April last year.
Further, it improves land management rules of Law 20434, considering the increase of two to five years of suspension of aquaculture concessions, the Chamber of Deputies of Chile informed.
With respect to the collection centres, it suggests that the regulation should refer to what is technically feasible and adjust the operation timing for those whose maritime concessions expired or will expire soon.
According to the approved project, the patent to be paid annually for the concession will suffer an increase of 10 to 20 UTM (monthly tax unit).
In addition, concession farms that have not been used in the previous 54 months, in which no cause of expiration applies, will pay UTM 10 per additional hectare.
Centres that are subject to compulsory health rest, or which are located in an area affected by an environmental issue, natural disaster or force majeure, or who are in an health emergency declared area, will be exempted from paying this sanction.
The new legislation gives fisheries authorities greater powers, while businesses will be imposed greater demands on health and environmental performance, among other issues.
The National Marine Fisheries Service (SERNAPESCA) will be allowed to inspect and record diagnostic laboratories, testing centres or other which import, maintain or use biological or pathological material.
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