Thailand’s Marine Department has come up with five measures to handle use of illegal migrant workers and human trafficking in the fishing sector. Department chief Sornsak Saensombat said the measures were drawn up to prevent and suppress human trafficking in the fishing industry. The measures include amendments to Sections 285-290 of the 1913 Navigation Act in Thai Territorial Waters regarding the employment of workers in fishing vessels and the termination of those workers’ employment contracts.

They also cover revamping of vessel workers’ jobs and documents detailing workers’ qualifications and skills; measures to control the entry and exit of vessels at piers; measures to regulate vessels and workers on board; and inspection of vessels, working conditions of workers and fishing equipment.

The measures were unveiled during a seminar on measures to suppress human trafficking in the fishing sector, Mr Sornsak said.

Many illegal migrant workers are smuggled into the country to work on fishing vessels.

The Post Publishing PCL 1996-2013