An estimated half a million litres of diesel fuel has leaked from a broken underground pipeline into Manila Bay in the Philippines threatening the livelihood of workers dependent on the bay’s marine life.

The Bureau of Fisheries has imposed a ban on fishing in the area due to health risks, however they have said that the diesel will evaporate in eight to ten days.

In the meantime, the slick, which has spread over 300 square kilometres near Cavite Province, is causing concern among those living along the Manila Bay coast.

One fishmonger Estrella Villalobos says that she’s “anxious that she won’t have any buyers out of fear that the “fish will taste like oil.

Many fishermen affected by the spill have been scooping up the diesel and have been placing it in barrels in exchange for food.

Petron Corp., the company responsible for the leak has said it is cooperating with authorities.

euronews 2013