The Secretary General of the East African Community (EAC), Dr. Richard Sezibera, has cautioned member countries against the mismanagement of Lake Victoria, whose resources he said play a significant role in the integration of the region.

Sezibera, who was speaking during a visit to the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organisation (LVFO) Secretariat in Jinja on Saturday, also warned against wrong elements who may want to use the lake to achieve their selfish interests.

He noted that whereas Lake Victoria contributes immensely to the economic development and stability of the region, it can be a source of instability if mismanaged.

Sezibera observed that the ongoing terrorist acts by pirates in Somalia, was sparked off by the misuse of the water resources in the country by the international community.

“Let us be mindful of how we use the stocks in Lake Victoria not only for food and money, but the security of our region,” he said

Responding to concerns of LVFO staff over inadequate funding and failure by some EAC members countries to fulfil their financial obligations to the organisation, Sezibera said the matter would be addressed, but stressed strict financial discipline and management.

“The books of accounts should be clean. There should be workplans and outputs with the staff having clear targets to achieve,” he said.

Timothy Wesonga, the senior livestock and fisheries officer at the EAC secretariat, said illegal fishing practices on the Lakes and marine waters were a major concern to East Africa.

Wesonga said though the beach management unit concept has provided some relief in several communities, its management requires strengthening.

2012 New Vision