Lirang Township, 15 km from Liangping’s urban area, thrives as a rural tourism hub. Recognized as a “Municipal Rural Revitalization Experimental Demonstration Town” and “National Health Town,” it epitomizes prosperity and rural charm.

The town has taken advantage of its pristine natural environment nestled beside the reputed oxygen bar of Mingyue Mountain, where the Longxi River meanders across the land from its source towards the Yangtze. Furthermore, national and provincial highways run throughout the territory, providing modern infrastructure to drive economic development.

In recent years, Chuanxi Village, from inside the township, has focused on a design plus concept to build a desirable living environment where industry and culture thrive. Among the numerous popular attractions include the homemade bean paste famous in the Bayu region and the picturesque sight of ecological fish ponds extending far across the lands. Presently, Chuanxi is home to the only fishery-themed agricultural science and technology park in Chongqing.

There are roughly 544 acres of fish ponds in Chuanxi Village, which are elegantly intertwined amongst the farmland, roads, forests, rivers, ponds, and houses in a unique scene of rural charm. Stood beside a small tower in the village, a picture scroll of incredible sights came into view, including leisure country trails, the Longxi River, famed among the ten most beautiful in Chongqing, and even the first musical road in the municipality.

Chuanxi also enjoys a profound historical and cultural heritage, including the Laizi Drums, listed at the national level and eight more recognized at the municipal level. In order to protect this heritage and attract tourism, the village has taken multiple innovative steps to build cultural squares, bookstores, exhibitions, and other platforms to display performances of intangible cultural heritage performances. These have combined to integrate rural traditions and modern life, launch exciting mass cultural activities, and improve the sense of gain and happiness among residents and the public alike.