The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) Fisheries and Aquaculture Department has published an audit of inland capture fishery statistics in Africa. The review is part of an initiative to refocus on inland capture fisheries after several years of relative neglect and to assess the current status of these resources on the continent.

The audit identifies critical issues emerging from the nominal catch statistics that affect understanding of the status of African inland capture fisheries, as well as the capacity to manage them in the face of competing uses of water and the natural environment.

The audit was carried out based on the recognition of a current paradox in inland capture fisheries data in Africa, a problem that limits the effectiveness of national and international management of these stocks. The inconsistency arises from the fact that nominal catch statistics indicate a constantly growing catch (FAO FishStat, 2009), but anecdotal evidence and data from occasional scientific papers and technical reports seem to indicate falling catches from individual water bodies and decreasing catch per fisher. In addition, FAO observes growing detrimental impacts from environmental degradation, dam building, river training, land reclamation and water abstraction in African water bodies.

The audit therefore examines the following three general and contradictory concepts: the “inland fisheries are doomed view; inland fisheries catches are still reported as rising; and more fish are being caught than are recorded.

1990 – 2013 – IISD