Poor weather, lack of equipment and shuttered fish farms led to a year-on-year decline of well over an expected US$100 million decline in exports.

Consumer interest remains strong, but lower production has led to the decline in exports, said Myanmar Fisheries Federation advisor U Han Tun.

“Not only incomes are falling but also export tonnage, he said.

Fishery exports totaled $536 million for the 2013-14 fiscal year, according to U Han Tun, compared with about $650 million shown by government data for the year before.

China and Thailand are major markets for Myanmar’s fish products, but Middle East and United States firms have also placed orders in recent years.

Myanmar Fishery Products Processors and Exporters Association general secretary U Htun Aye said fish farmers should anticipate demand and start producing more fish now. More government support and better techniques could also improve yields.

2014 The Myanmar Times