According to Scottish newspaper The Herald, fish sales across the country have soared following the horsemeat scandal.

Customers appear to be turning their back on beef and cheap meat after horse DNA was discovered in many products.

The latest company to withdraw its products is Taco Bell, the US-based fast food company. The company’s taco beef products have been withdrawn from sale in British and Spanish outlets after finding some beef contained more than 10% horse DNA. Companies including Birds Eye, Findus, Tesco and Aldi have all also withdrawn products.

According to The Herald, fish shop owners say recent sales have increased by up to 20%.

Dr Paul Williams, chief executive of Seafish, said: “In the current climate, we are not surprised that the nature of buying fresh fish and seafood from the fishmonger is appealing to consumers – what you see is what you get.

“Our fishmongers are highly trained and care about the provenance and quality of the produce they sell.

“Those consumers taking the time to visit their local fishmonger, viewing the produce with their own eyes and chatting through their purchases, are no doubt reassured.”

Mercator Media Ltd 2013